Saturday, 15 February 2025

undercover signs...

my Saturday night...

beyond survival...

my haiku soulmate...

poetry haven...

my mesmerised joy...

Valentine's Day has just passed in my world...

Valentine's Day has just passed
in my world

and your birthday
could have been Monday

in my world
I seem to fall for fractured love
tarnished minds
hearts that have lost a regular rhythm
and blind souls

I ignore that darkness
and only see 
I guess
what I long to see
the art
the creative spirit 
lurking somewhere inside

unbridled drinking and gambling
slowly squash a love that could have been

one-sided giving and supporting
in the name of love
seeing the good behind the facade
can be a bad thing
if it peels away an identity
peels the identity back to a raw innocence
riddled with excuses and 
misguided determination to carry on
in the name of love

three fishermen in my life
who relentlessly kept fishing
and I let them bait me

one side of me says I should have passed on by

the other side says
perhaps your spirit is best
with the spark 
of another spirit
however briefly lingering
that connecting spark may be

a wise mind

that is your real joy
your real love

Valentine's Day has just passed
in my world
and still I cannot ignore 
my final awakening

my third and final fisherman

your birthday
could have been Monday

Never be a Charmian Clift to a George Johnston

Monday, 3 February 2025

Jonathan Muncy Storm...

the waiting may
culminate in 
a sad kind of happiness
too late to progress
but never too late to just be

and eventually you realise
that real love
is an intangible understanding
mind and spirit

a postscript thought
I am quite skilled
quite experienced in
being stubborn

I have hope
always hope

Poems based on Joseph Fasano thoughts...